At Innovative Logistics, we treat all our employees and customers like family. This isn't hard when so many of our employees ARE family! As a company, we are passionate about saving you money by working hard and always looking out for ways to improve our services. Our family mentality extends from the treatment of our employees to our businesses themselves - by owning Innovative Logistics, Javurek Express, and Warebear Warehousing, JJ has created a trio of businesses that he can be as proud of as he is the family he works with every day.
Innovative Logistics is invested in creating the ideal logistics plan for each and every one of our customers, paying attention to detail in a way that is unique to a family-owned and operated company. We personally tailor everything we do to fit your needs and assist your transportation department. We do not have a rate structure and all our plans are individualized to make the logistics process as simple and effective as possible for the customer. We only get paid based on what we save you, so saving our customers the most amount of money possible while maintaining the highest level of quality benefits us all!
James Javurek
Innovative Logistics, Javurek Express, Warebear Warehouse
Jacqueline Spon
Innovative Logistics
Joe Javurek
Javurek Express, Innovative Logistics, Warebear Warehouse
Michael Javurek
V.P. Operations, Sales
Innovative Logistics, Javurek Express, Warebear Warehouse
John Javurek
V.P Truckload Services
Truckload, Warebear Warehouse
Josh Armstrong
Warehouse Supervisor
Warebear Warehouse, Innovative Logistics
Jonathan Spon
Partner Relations
Innovative Logistics, Eaglepoint Express
Melyssa Eilers
Landstar Operations Manager
Tony Pfahler
Fleet Manager
Javurek Express LLC
Amanda Kenney
Innovative Logistics